Silhouettes (Part II)

Today they finished their Silhouettes Selfportrait.
It is such a pity I never get the same students.
So I had some new students starting from zero,
didn't bring the lamp to make the silhouettes...


Today we painted our silhouette. I brought some recylced paper to paint on, and a lamp and paint. I draw the siloutes because I'm fast and precise with the pencil and it was 8 of them and only one lamp and i wanted them to recognize some of themselves in the silhouette. I realize more and more that real creativity needs bounadries, even with all the limitations we already have for lack of materials. I must remember to bring black color paint for next week and set some boundaries. It was interesting they all wanted to have a "face" and Nicholson was the "oficial face painter". Each one came to him with instructions on what and how they wanted. There was a line to wait and off course Nicholson could not work very much on his own project but was pleased that everyone trust him as the official artist. They will finish the project next week.